Opportunity Details

High School Weekend Two Work Crew

If you want an opportunity to serve our high school students as they spend their weekend at winter retreat, then we have the perfect spot for you on our Work Crew! This retreat is a life-changing weekend filled with worship, teaching, and community for our students, making it an unforgettable weekend. It all takes place at the beautiful Timber Wolf Lake in Lake City, MI, on February 28- March 2, 2025. As Work Crew, you are responsible for your own transportation. Please plan to arrive at 9 p.m. on Friday and leave around 1 p.m. on Sunday! We care about the safety of our students! We ask that all work crew volunteers have either been approved through our Child Protection Program or fill out our general volunteer application and background check. Your campus-specific student director will contact you to complete that requirement.
2/28/2025 @ 9:00 PM
Church Wide
High School Week 2 Work Crew

Respond to this Opportunity

Additional Information

*Woodside Campus:
*Will you be coming with a spouse or a friend that you would like to room together?:
*Please list the name of the individual below.:
*Are you a member of Woodside?:
*Have you completed Woodside's Child Protection Program?:
*Any food, medication, or environmental allergies?:
*Please explain any and all allergies you have.:
*Are any of the allergies anaphylactic or life threatening?:
*What is the allergen, the reaction to it, and management or treatment of the reaction?:
Asthma /wheezing:
Seizure disorder:
Back/joint problems:
Fainting or dizziness:
Passed out/chest pain during exercise:
Recent Injury:
Surgery or hospitalization:
Recurrent/chronic illness:
Frequent headaches:
Asthma Information: Do you have a rescue inhaler or puffer?:
What type of inhaler is it?:
What are the directions for the inhaler?:
Do you have an asthma action plan?:
*Insurance Name:
*Group Number:
*Contract Number:
*Insurance Address (street, number, city, state, zip):
*Health Care Provider:
*Primary Care Provider phone number:
*Emergency Contact Name:
*Emergency contact cell phone number:
Emergency contact relationship:

Young Life Guest Consent Release
INDEMNITY AND CONTRACT AGREEMENT: I will not hold or attempt to hold Young Life for any loss, damage, injury to person or property caused by any act or neglect of other persons on or about the Property, or caused in any manner other than the willful or negligent act of Young Life, its agents and employees, and will indemnify and hold Young Life harmless from any liability for damages or claims against Young Life arising out of or in any way related to any such loss, damage, or injury. I release Young Life, including its trustees, employees and agents, from my physical injury, including death, or illness while at the Property. I will assume the risk associated therewith, whether known or unknown to me at this time. This release is also intended to include all claims of my family, estate, heirs, personal representatives, or assigns. AUTHORIZATION FOR TREATMENT: I hereby give permission to the medical personnel selected by the camp director to secure and administer treatment and to maintain and/or release any medical records necessary for insurance purposes as outlined under the HIPAA regulation, and to provide or arrange necessary related transportation for the above-named person. To obtain a copy of Young Life’s Notice of Privacy Practices, log on to www.younglife.org or call (719) 867-3600. I verify that I am or my child is in good health and am capable of participating in strenuous activities, and when necessary, will tailor my activities to those within the bounds of my physical health. In Colorado, campers will participate in rigorous activities at 9,000 to 14,000 feet. I recognize that any medical treatment and/or medical transportation that is provided to me or my child while attending a Young Life camp will be paid for by my medical insurance company. Canada: Malibu Club/Beyond Malibu: I agree that any complaint, demand, dispute, claim involving bodily injury including death and/or personal injury or cause of action arising out of or in any way related to Young Life’s Malibu Club or Beyond Malibu, including any activity, event, medical treatment, and/or transportation will be governed by the laws and jurisdiction of the Canadian Province where the event or incident occurred. COVID-19: recognize that a national emergency was declared because of the COVID-19 outbreak and that different states and/or counties/cities may be in various states of emergency. I recognize that even if Young Life has taken reasonable actions in light of COVID-19 and other coronaviruses, there is no guarantee that me or my child will not contract/transmit COVID-19 or other infectious or contagious illnesses or diseases while participating in activities at the Young Life property/camp, or traveling to and from, Young Life’s camp property and I release Young life in the event of such an occurrence. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has identified that certain individuals are at Higher Risk for Severe Illness if they become ill with COVID-19. This includes those who have chronic lung disease, moderate/severe asthma, a serious heart condition, are immunocompromised, or have severe obesity, diabetes, or chronic kidney/lover disease or who are over the age of 65. Based on the CDC’s High-Risk criteria, you have determined if you want to participate in this event or if you want your child to participate in this event. WAIVER AND RELEASE If I am under the age of 18, or under that age of 19 if attending Malibu Club or Beyond Malibu, my parent or guardian, by signing below, also consent to my release and he or she agrees shall be binding upon him or her as my parent or guardian as to me and my estate, heirs, personal representatives and assigns. My parent or guardian also promises, by signing below to defend, indemnify and hold Young Life harmless from any claim asserted by me against Young Life, including its trustees, employees, and agents, if I should repudiate this release after obtaining adulthood.
Woodside Bible Church Waiver:
Waiver and Release of Liability 1. In consideration of my participation in the activities offered at the Oasis Winter Experience, February 9-11, 2024, by signing this Waiver and Release of Liability (Agreement), I waive and release Woodside Bible Church, its agents, servants, employees, insurers, successors and assigns from any and all claims, demands, causes of action, damages or suits at law and equity of any kind, including but not limited to claims for personal injury, property damage, medical expenses, loss of services, on account of or in any way related to or growing out of my presence or involvement at the facility. This waiver and release is intended to and does release Woodside Bible Church from any and all liability for damages or injuries on account of or in any way related to or growing out of my negligence, the negligence of third parties and Woodside Bible Church's negligence. This is not intended to release Woodside Bible Church from any liability resulting from their intentional conduct. I further covenant and agree not to institute any claims or legal action against Woodside Bible Church for any claim released by this Agreement. I further agree that should any claim be made against Woodside Bible Church in contravention of this Agreement, including but not limited to derivative claims, I will protect, defend and completely indemnify (reimburse) Woodside Bible Church for any such claim and expenses including attorney's fees and costs incurred by Woodside Bible Church in defending themselves or security indemnity hereunder. 2. I understand that Woodside Bible Church is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged valuables or property. I have read the Agreement and understand that by signing the Agreement I have consented to be bound by its terms, including the waiver/release of any legal right I may have to sue Woodside Bible Church for any costs I incur because a claim or legal action is brought in violation of this Agreement.  I am signing this Agreement freely, voluntarily and competently and I hereby certify that I have read this document; and, I understand its content. I am aware that this is a release of liability as well as a contract and I sign it of my own free will. The undersigned parent and/or legal guardian does hereby represent that he/she is, in fact, acting in such capacity and is fully responsible and agrees to save and hold harmless and indemnify each and all of the parties referred to above from all liability, loss, cost, claim or damage whatsoever which may be imposed upon said parties because of any defect in or lack of such capacity to so act and release said parties on behalf of the minor and the parents or legal guardian.
*I agree:
*Legal Signature:
*Date Signed: